Category : Step 2 CS Tips
When it comes to the USMLE Step 2 Cs exam, an accurate differential diagnosis is important because not only does it ease the patient from a rigorous testing process, but also from the physical and emotional trauma of being sick and hospitalized. As a medical student about to undertake the exam, how can you appropriately give an accurate differential diagnosis? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
1- If you’re reading these tips a few weeks before the exam, the better. The first thing you need to do is study and know your content well. Many conditions have similar signs and symptoms with only slight variations, thus it’s important that the content remains permanently at your fingertips.
2- During the exam, exchange brief pleasantries with the patient before commencing. Then inquire on the patient’s chief problem and note their vital signs. This should signal at least two or three diagnoses right away.
3- Jot these at the top of your notepad and direct your questions in such a manner to eliminate your differentials one by one until you are quite sure that have the correct one.
4- Listen closely to your patient’s own words as these will give you clues to help you on the right path.
5- Lastly, be organized and draw out a system for your findings.
Having these steps in mind will give you the much needed confidence to ace the test. Remember, practice is an integral element of success. Therefore, ensure you prepare well.
As always, connect with us to answer any questions you have about the Step 2 CS exam!